Volunteers are a vital part of RampsRVA. We partner with different volunteer groups to reconnect our Richmond area neighbors with the world outside their front door. Volunteer opportunities range from phone calls checking on ramp recipients to ramp inspections, to day-long events building multiple ramps across Richmond! We also need individuals to assist with potential marketing projects, office assistance and potential fundraising projects. Look below to request information on how we can team up to improve lives. Every individual and group will receive training and work with a team leader.
Volunteer with your school or start a club
Student volunteers have the opportunity to experience an environment beyond their community and create change, while also enhancing their communication, collaboration, leadership and even mechanical skills. Each school partner has a RAMPS club led by a school-based faculty advisor. Meetings are typically held once or twice a month (depending on the school). Once the funds are raised to build a ramp, a date is set that works well for both clients and volunteers. On build day, a RampsRVA leader meets the team on-site with all the tools and materials needed for the build (including work gloves and water).

Volunteer with your Company
RampsRVA partners with many companies who empower their employees to give back to the community with service hours. This provides teambuilding and bonding experiences, as well as a tremendous contribution to our community members/ramp recipients. Usually a company provides the funding for a ramp that their employees build.
If you want to get your company involved contact Barry McDonald at barry@rampsrva.org or by calling 804-285-3605