Interns Visit Partner Organizations

Over the past two weeks, RampsRVA interns were fortunate to visit Sheltering Arms Institute Foundation and hospital and The Community Foundation of Richmond.

These field trip opportunities were a new addition to the program this year. By taking interns to organizations with similar goals, we aim to inspire them with new ideas. Observing the innovative solutions and success stories of leading firms can motivate interns to think outside the box and pursue creative approaches in their own work.

At Sheltering Arms Institute, Foundation President, Mac McElroy guided us through the hospital's public areas and explained their business model. We were especially impressed with their efforts to give back to the community. “Everybody deserves a second chance,” said Kyle Amey, Development Officer, one of the tour leaders. The hope and support that Sheltering Arms provides to its patients are values that RampsRVA aspires to embody as well.

Our visit to The Community Foundation was equally enlightening. Michael Spurlock, Corp. Volunteer Coordinator gave a powerpoint presentation about the nonprofit’s structure and how they holistically support the Greater Richmond community. Our interns were truly inspired by the significant impacts they make through their various programs and initiatives.

From both visits, interns discovered that while different community service organizations may focus on different aspects, they share a common mission and work hand-in-hand. The collective efforts of these organizations create a lasting "ripple effect" that positively influences community synergy, a goal that RampsRVA aims to achieve. These experiences have reinforced our commitment to our mission and inspired us to pursue innovative solutions with renewed enthusiasm.

We express our greatest thanks to Sheltering Arms Institute and The Community Foundation of Richmond!